
I am going to introduce you to my world.
My public life, as columnist, image designer, producer, performer, recording artist, and now as guest music lecturer is well known.
I love to sing, photograph and design. I had a flourishing art business for over twenty years.
No matter how busy I am, I make time for my family, friends and fans. Here we go!


Showing posts with label The Carpenters. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Carpenters. Show all posts

Carpenters Once More

"Carpenters Once More ....In Loving Memory Of Karen On Her 30th Year Of Passing" , tickets are available now:

《Carpenters Once More》Karen Carpenter逝世30周年紀念演唱會門票現已公開發售:

Karen Carpenter逝世30周年香港紀念演唱會2013

《Carpenters Once More》木匠兄妹主音Karen Carpenter逝世30周年紀念演唱會現謹定於10月20日(星期日)晚上八時正,假香港九龍灣展貿中心KITEC滙星Star Hall演出一塲,門票於8月31日快達票網公開發售, 現在已內部認購了,粉絲們一定要來一起懷念我們的偶像啊!

Merry Christmas, Darling, December 24

Karen Carpenter said in an interview, "'Merry Christmas Darling' I think, is a little extra special to both of us, because Richard wrote it, and the lyrics were written by the choral director at Long Beach State choir, where we went to school, Frank Pooler. Frank was very helpful in our college days, when we were trying to get a contract and constantly missing classes and everything. He was the only one down there who actually understood what we were after, and he stood behind us all the way. We just did a benefit at Long Beach state, for a scholarship fund, and we did it with the choir and the whole thing, and we did "Christmas Darling" and he just "glows" every time we do it….. I think it's my favorite, because it's really close to me."

I wish you were with us!

Reference: Carpenter, Karen. KIQQ, Los Angeles, California. Interview, 24 December 1978.

Leave and Love

"I have something to tell you
And I know it won't be easy
I've been thinking these past few days
It might be time to leave

You're like a stranger
Then you're a lover
Never the same always hard to believe

I'm caught between goodbye and I love you
Never knowing quite where I stand
I'm caught between goodbye and I love you
Falling both ways nowhere to land
So constantly stranded
I can't understand it
This double life you've handed me
Is like the devil and the deep blue sea

If we go on much longer
If my doubts grow any stronger
Then I may have to let you go
If only to survive

Give me a reason
Why should I stay here
I've tried so hard
Just to keep love alive......"

Yesterday Once More

John Bettis: "I doubt that there is anyone alive who is the oldies fan that Richard is: also, the area of the country that he came from was very much more doo wop oriented than out here. I'm from L.A. and the whole doo wop thing was known here, but it wasn't anywhere near as common or as radio heavy as it was back East. Richard actually educated me to a lot of records that I had kind of overlooked - he educated me into an oldies aficionado. You can't be around him and not know two things, old records and cars, those are the two things that you learn with Richard. The funniest thing about that was the chorus: 'every sha la la la, every wo wo wo' was kind of a dummy lyric that we were singing along, expecting at some point we would lift that and put real words in there, and Richard was kind of surprised.
We'd finished the song and he said 'Well, are you going to change this now?'
and I went 'You know what? I don't think so, I think it sounds great this way',
and he said 'Are you kidding?'
I said 'No, this sha la la wo wo wo stuff sounds pretty good',
and I think he had to think about that for a day or two before he really said 'OK'. It's a perfect play in to that era of music, I think."

Top Of The World

Richard Carpenter: "Well every now and again we used steel guitar because I thought it worked so well for Karen's voice. We'd used it on earlier things we did, and I should have used it in 'Reason To Believe' but I didn't think of it at the time. 'Top Of The World' has quite an interesting story surrounding it. It's odd. It was written by one kid from San Pedro (Bettis) and another one from Downey and it's a country song, but when we finished it for the 'A Song For You' album in 1972, all of us thought 'It's an album cut', and we were proved so wrong, for a number of reasons.
Firstly, when we performed it in concert, it got an ovation from the crowd as if it were one of our biggest hits. The Japanese culled it from the LP and released it as a single and it went gold. Lynn Anderson covered it, almost to the note, and it went to Number One in the country chart. Certain stations in the United States were charting it, based on requests alone. We had kids coming to our parents' home asking when it was going to be made into a small record. So we decided it was time to release it as a single. A&M wasn't all that happy about putting it out, so they kind of talked us out of it. Time went by and it just didn't let up, the requests for it and all, and we ultimately did a little alteration to it. We redid the lead, because Karen thought she could sing it better, and I was never totally happy with the steel guitar on the album. So we did the steel guitar over and then Tony (Peluso) came in and did a little guitar work on it, and then we remixed it. And, of course, it went to Number One in all three trade papers in the States and it was a smash."

Rainy Days And Mondays

Paul Williams: "The next Carpenters hit we had was 'Rainy Days And Mondays'. I didn't go into the studio with them; they weren't looking over my shoulder when I was writing the lyrics, so I didn't look over their shoulder when they were recording. So it was always a surprise for me - when they would play something for me, it was usually pretty well done. And I loved the record of 'We've Only Just Begun', but the record of 'Rainy Days And Mondays' I liked much much more. There was something, I don't know if it was the saxophone (played by Bob Messenger, a longtime member of the touring and studio band who backed The Carpenters), or what it was, but it sounded awfully grown up for something that I'd been involved with. And I don't know, there was something about her that was... I guess I had a crush on her, now that I think about it. When you hear that lady sing those words you've got to know there was a little bit of a connection there. I remember her playing at the rehearsal hall and soundstage at A&M, playing me the record and watching me listening to it, and it was a real pretty memory... I was very young then, of course."


Richard Carpenter: "I wind down by watching TV, and I'd come home from recording one night and turned on the Johnny Carson Show. He would have Bette Midler (as a) guest quite often, and this was before she was a household name, and on this particular appearance, she sang 'Superstar'. And she sang it more as kind of a modern day torch song, but the song really caught my ear. I thought it was a hit, no two ways about it. There's some that grow on me, and others where I'm kind of on the fence as to whether I think they are or they aren't, but 'Superstar', I really thought it had it all. So we cut it, and it was one of the very few tunes that Karen ever questioned me on. Usually, our tastes were exactly the same and I thought she'd just go crazy over this, and she didn't. So I asked her to just indulge me and sing it and listen to the record as it was being put together, and she changed her mind, it became one of her favourites. It's a haunting melody, it's a great hook, Bonnie Bramlett's lyric is definitely a little off the beaten path, and just as far as the vowel sounds and all, radio and away and all, it worked so perfectly for Karen. We did change one word, in the second verse: 'I can hardly wait to sleep with you again', we thought was just a little bit too much for The Carpenters and their listening audience, so we changed it to 'I can hardly wait to be with you again'. But that remains one of my favourite Carpenters recordings. Amazingly, Karen's vocal was a 'work lead', designed as a run through, but it was so good there was no need to record it again."

Close To You

當時與The Beatles、The Beach Boys的作品合稱為「the Three B's」之名作曲家伯特拜克拉(Burt Bacharach)前去拜訪A&M唱片公司的另外一位老闆謝利摩斯(Jerry Moss),提起在電台廣播中聽到卡本特樂隊的《Ticket to Ride》,非常喜歡。謝利告訴伯特,卡本特樂隊是A&M旗下的藝人,伯特就要求謝利和他的拍擋赫伯幫忙,希望理查可以把一些他的名曲重新改編成一段混和曲(Medley),為他替某醫院的慈善義演作開場表演。

赫伯建議理查採用伯特發表於1963年的一首作品《They Long to Be Close to You》。伯特曾經希望理查錄製這首歌曲,不過赫伯覺得有一句歌詞似乎不太合適,而紅歌星狄安華韋克(Dionne Warwick)數年前曾錄製過這首歌,所以沒有予以灌錄,建議改編應用在混和曲裡。但這首歌和理查選好的其他應用在混和曲裡的作品並不太搭配,所以最後並沒有採用這首歌曲。理查對於這首歌的旋律始終念念不忘,當卡本特樂隊製作第二張專輯時,便收錄了這首歌。而理查覺得原本的歌名《They Long to Be Close to You》太長了,於是把前面的四個單字加上括弧,變成《(They Long to Be) Close to You》,亦簡稱為《Close to You》。

1970年,卡本特樂隊的《Close to You》和同名的專輯上市發行,銷量超過百萬張。果然和理查的預言一樣,《Close to You》這首歌很快登上了流行榜的冠軍寶座,蟬聯四個星期之久,也讓卡本特樂隊奪得該年度的「最佳新進藝人」和「最佳流行組合」兩項格林美獎(Grammy Awards);翌年再次獲得第三項格林美獎「最佳流行組合」。

Ticket To Ride

1965年,卡本特兄妹-凱倫及理查卡本特(Karen & Richard Carpenter)跟一位負責低音結他及大號的朋友共同組成一支三人爵士樂隊-卡本特三人組(Carpenter Trio),其間認識了一位醉心於錄音工程的電子低音結他手祖奧斯邦(Joe Osborn),理查加深了多音軌錄音技術的認識,他們在祖的車房改裝的錄音室裡,錄製樣本聲帶(Demo),發覺凱倫天生有一把適合錄音的好嗓子,而祖和一位拍擋剛成立一間小型唱片公司,但祖並沒有打算和卡本特三人組簽約。1966年,卡本特父母只好替十六歲的凱倫簽了第一張個人唱片合約,理查可以負責作曲。這只是一個開始,凱倫以個人名義推出幾首單曲,但缺乏宣傳,成績未如理想,而唱片公司因經營不善,於一年內即倒閉。同年卡本特三人組在荷理活「碗形劇場」(Hollywood Bowl)的樂隊大賽中奪得冠軍,三人才簽約RCA唱片公司。他們迅速錄製了十一首作品,當中包括翻唱披頭四樂隊(The Beatles)的《Every Little Thing》及原創作品而其後最終成為流行曲的《Flat Baroque》,但RCA當時並不看好,認為爵士樂沒有商業潛質,唱片一直未能推出,最後只好解約。

卡本特三人組解散後,凱倫及理查再和另外四位同學組成史柏尋和聲合唱團(Spectrum),當中包括其後創作多首經典的卡本特金曲的約翰貝提斯(John Bettis)。理查負責鍵琴樂器,凱倫擔任敲擊樂器及主唱,他們到加州狄士尼樂園等地演出。他們並到處尋求唱片公司支持,但找了很多家都碰壁。1967年,凱倫和理查獲得著名小喇叭手赫伯亞柏特(Herb Alpert)的賞識,於1969年簽約他所主持的A&M唱片公司。

1969年,卡本特樂隊(Carpenters)-最初並沒有「The」-正式推出首張專輯【Offering】,其中翻唱披頭四樂隊(The Beatles)的《Ticket to Ride》大受歡迎,為他們奠定了知名度。於是唱片公司後來更用了「Ticket to Ride」為大碟主題,把專輯【Offering】改成【Ticket To Ride】。


"Being a perfectionist, everything had to be the best it could be."

About Astor

Astor is able to express herself with logical literacy but full of artistic feelings. She acts to record her valuable, interesting and unforgettable experiences during her travel and plans to share with others her instant feelings, thoughtful insights and findings via poems, free verses, prose, narration, reference, etc.

Music, Movie, Musicals and Me

Music and theatre have had a close relationship. Theatre can associate with movie or musical theatre (musicals) and I love both of them. I sing theme songs in some Asian movies, such as“When I Dream” (theme from “Dragon Squad”). It easily recalls people not only from scenes of the movie, but also from memory. I love theme music from movies as well as songs from Musicals, especially Broadway. I remember I have fallen in love with Broadway since I was 12. Musical films characteristically contain elements reminiscent of theatre; performers often sing and dance as if there is a live audience watching. Some musical films were adapted for the stage after their great success, such as “The Wizard of Oz” and“Fame”, while successful musicals also definitely received movie adaptations, i.e. stage-to-film adaptations, such as“Jesus Christ Superstar” and “Evita”. We can share our moments after all these years by passing through “Over the Rainbow”, “Out Here On My Own”, “I Don’t Know How To Love Him”, “Don’t Cry For Me Argentina”, “You Must Love Me” ……

“Moon River” (theme from “Breakfast at Tiffany’s”) has to be selected in my new album "Theatre" although it has been covered by hundreds of artists all over the world. I sing it each time, it seems like a live performance accompanied by the pianist just in front of the audience.

“The Way We Were” (theme from “The Way We Were”) must be selected because it was the song of one of my favorite singers that influences me most, Barbra Streisand, and I won the singing contest with it!

“For All We Know” (theme from “Lovers and OtherStrangers”) was selected, of course, in tribute to my forever idol, the Carpenters.

WORDS from Astor :

I hope all of you would like the presentation of my albums.
Everlasting love dedicated to SUPERSTAR...
My dearest family,
Mom and Dad,
All the one I love,
Teachers and tutors, who have enlightened me,
All singers and writers of the original songs, especially Karen and Richard Carpenter.
All musicians,
All my fans and friends.
Thanks GOD.

Astor Fong

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